Thursday, November 22, 2007

Gender-Bending Contest Round 1 Entry - Three Times a Lady

I managed to get into the Round 1 of Gender-Bending Contest...

The rules were:

Look here and pick a song to duet with Roland Bowman (our resident SingSnap guitar virtuoso):

Remember to Bend those Genders!

1) You may only select songs that have no singing on them currently. (I'm pretty sure none of Roland's do, but just in case)

2) For this round no layering or voice overs.

3) No pre-records. All songs must have been recorded 11/19/2007 or later.

4)This round you will be judged on three things:

* Energy/Excitement
* Appropriate Song Selection
* Entertainment Value

Not sure about the energy/excitement...The only pop male songs I knew were Tears in Heaven and Three Times a Lady. How much can i put into such a slow song? And there were not too many male songs listed there that I knew how to sing...I know I could not make myself sound like a man voice is soprano 1. Meaning, alanganing alto, alanganing soprano (mas mababa kesa sa soprano 2).

I used to be in the high school choir, and all the while I thought I was alto...but when we did the voice exercises for the first time upon joining, my voice was distinctly of a higher pitch than the rest of the alto's. So I was placed among the sopranos, but I felt so out of place there, because I knew I did not have the high range that they did, nor did I know how to do falsetto as well as they did...I decided to quit after a while...I just could not (or did not know the trick/method to) do falsetto with as much clarity and control as the others did.

So I scrolled some more and found this old old song. Rhythm of the Falling Rain...thought I'd give it a try. The pitch was okay as to let me "sound" a bit like a man...

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